Prof. Dr. Akmer Mutlu

Prof. Akmer Mutlu graduated from Hacettepe University School of Physiotherapy and Rehabilitation in 1998. In 1999, she started working as a research assistant in the Cerebral Palsy Unit at Hacettepe University School of Physiotherapy and Rehabilitation. She completed her master science degree in 2001 and doctorate degree in 2008.

She became Assistant Professor in 2009, Associate Professor in 2011 and Professor in 2018.

She worked as a pre- and post-doctoral researcher in the United States, Chicago Rehabilitation Institute and Northwestern University at different periods.

Prof. Dr. Mutlu currently continues her education, clinical and research activities as the head of unit at Developmental and Early Physiotherapy Unit, Faculty of Physical Therapy and Rehabilitation, Hacettepe University. Her areas of work include; developmental and early physiotherapy of babies with risks, including premature babies, the evaluation, functional development, treatment and follow ups of neurological, genetic and metabolic diseases of infancy and childhood (such as Cerebral Palsy, Minor Neurological Dysfunction, Developmental Coordination Disorders, Down Syndrome and other genetic syndromes, Spina Bifida, Torticollis).

Babies and cats are her favorite living beings.